Bright People. Right Solutions.

Embankment Slope Stability and Settlement Assessment

  • Embankment Slope Stability and Settlement Assessment
  • Embankment Slope Stability and Settlement Assessment
  • Embankment Slope Stability and Settlement Assessment

Kleinfelder was contracted by the client to carry out a geotechnical investigation of a specific stretch of Richmond Vale Road. The scope of work included conducting an analysis of embankment slope stability and settlement assessment, designing the pavement, and providing recommendations for earthwork and geotechnical constraints related to the road upgrade project.

Understanding the Conditions

During periods of heavy rainfall, sections of the road are susceptible to flooding, resulting in around a 20-kilometer detour, and the submerged section of the roadway sustains flood damage. Additionally, there is the presence of deep soft soil below the existing pavement layer which could cause additional settlement and slope failure at the proposed embankment.

Comprehensive Investigation

Performing a thorough investigation of the site, the Kleinfelder team drilled boreholes; excavated test pits; conducted CPT, SPT, and DCP tests; and collected samples for laboratory analysis. Further slope stability analysis and site settlement assessments for the proposed embankment were also conducted, with a goal to determine the optimal embankment configuration to ensure safety and minimize settlement under the anticipated traffic loads. To aid in the analysis and design of the embankment, SLIDE2 and Settle3 computer programs were utilized.

Project Results

Kleinfelder’s geotechnical engineers determined the suitable slope angle for constructing the future embankment and evaluated the potential settlement caused by the proposed traffic loadings. To enhance the factor of safety against slope failure, a geogrid layer was incorporated for embankment reinforcement. Geotechnically appropriate earthwork techniques were also advised for the designed pavement layers.

Project Details

New South Wales

Confidential Client
