Bright People. Right Solutions.

Clarke Creek Ecological Assessment

  • Clarke Creek Ecological Assessment
  • Clarke Creek Ecological Assessment
  • Clarke Creek Ecological Assessment

Kleinfelder was engaged to conduct a targeted ecological assessment on both flora and fauna within the Clarke Creek Significant Environmental Area (SEA), and to provide recommendations to manage relevant threats to the current SEA values and / or record ecological values of significance.

Project Overview

Clarke Creek was accepted as an SEA due to the presence of threatened ecological communities listed under the Commonwealth’s Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), namely semi evergreen vine thickets of the Brigalow Belt (North and South) and Nandewar Bioregions, and Brigalow (Acacia harpophylla) dominant and codominant. The site is also considered likely to contain suitable habitat for threatened fauna, including Koala, Ornamental Snake and Yakka Skink.

Assessment Findings

Kleinfelder’s ecologists conducted both desk and field surveys on the 150ha site, identifying seven significant weed species of which four are classified as Weeds of National Significance (WoNS) and five as restricted matter. Details of density, maturity and likely impacts of infestations were also noted. Feral animal presence was recorded during field surveys, with feral animal activity also recorded using remote sensing infrared cameras placed across the site. Kleinfelder also identified a high level of Koala activity within the SEA and found the site to be a suitable refuge for several other threatened species.

Project Results

Based on the results of the ecological assessment, Kleinfelder provided a clear management strategy to the client. The strategy included a management plan detailing high, medium, and low priority interventions for weed and pest controls, based on the invasiveness of the species and its potential impact on the SEA site. Kleinfelder undertook further fauna surveys to ascertain the distinct biodiversity values of the SEA. The data and images were then used by the client to promote the significance of the locality.

Project Details

Clarke Creek, Queensland

Department of Transport and Main Roads
