Bright People. Right Solutions.

Darlington Point Solar Farm: Environmental Approvals, Design and Construction Services

  • Darlington Point Solar Farm: Environmental Approvals, Design and Construction Services
  • Darlington Point Solar Farm: Environmental Approvals, Design and Construction Services

Kleinfelder has developed a strong working relationship with Signal Energy Australia at several of its solar farm installations, so when it came time to appoint consultants to assist with the 333MW Darlington Point Solar Farm, Signal Energy called on Kleinfelder’s team of Geotechnical and Environmental specialists.

Geotechnical Investigation and Design Capabilities

Kleinfelder’s geotechnical specialists provided preliminary and detailed piled foundation design for solar array piles, invertor bases, met stations and perimeter fencing around the 430ha site. A review and evaluation of existing geotechnical reports and supplementary site investigation were conducted. This included geotechnical / chemical laboratory testing and in-situ resistivity testing, as well as soil corrosivity evaluation. Pile drivability and load testing were conducted, with Kleinfelder providing interpretative reports and practible solutions for earthworks and foundations.

Environmental Compliance Services

In their site-based role as Environmental Representative, Kleinfelder provided complementary environmental services to ensure project compliance with Regulator- and Owner-specific conditions during project implementation.

Kleinfelder’s consultative scope ensured quick mobilisation of additional in-house services including Fauna Spotter Catcher (FSC), weed management, and contaminated land expertise to undertake a Site Contamination Assessment to identify potential constraints to the health of construction and future solar farm workers.

Project Results

The Darlington Point Solar Farm project has remained on track and is nearing construction completion. From here it will move to the commissioning phase and will soon be producing it’s anticipated 333MW of renewable electricity, enough for an estimated 115,000 Australian homes.

Project Details

Darlington Point, New South Wales

Signal Energy Australia Pty Ltd
