Kleinfelder was engaged to undertake a desktop ecological assessment of the exploration activities in Exploration Permit for Coal and Mineral Development License (Study Area), within the Darling Downs region of Queensland. The exploration activities were to be carried out under the Eligibility Criteria and Standard Conditions for Exploration and Mineral Development – V2 (ECSCEMD) (DEHP 2016) and modified by the Environmental Authority.
Complying with Legislation
A desktop analysis of the Study Area was conducted to determine if the planned exploration activities would have any Significant Impacts on Matters of National Environmental Significance (MNES) under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), Matters of State Environmental Significance (MSES) under the Queensland Environmental Offset Policy, or Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs) under the Environmental Protection Regulation 2019.
Conducting an Indepth Review
Kleinfelder’s initial review of the data indicated a potential impact to wildlife in Essential Habitat and Protected Plant Flora Survey Trigger Map areas. However, a final in-depth analysis of the governing conditions, the client’s additional adopted conditions, along with the planned use of existing tracks, fire breaks, and vegetation gaps during exploration activities, showed that there would not be any significant impacts to the majority of MNES, MSES or ESAs. Kleinfelder conducted a further field survey that verified such impacts would not be significant due to the low disturbance of the exploration activities.
Project Results
Should the client consider future exploration activities within the Study Area in remnant vegetation and continue to use existing tracks and gaps in the vegetation, mapping provided within Kleinfelder’s report can be used to plan such exploration activities without significantly impacting MNES or MSES. Activities would comply with Standard Condition A13 of the ECSCEMD, without the need for further assessment.
Project Details
Darling Downs, Queensland
Peabody Energy Australia Pty Ltd