Bright People. Right Solutions.

Grosvenor Mine Fauna Spotter Catcher Services

  • Grosvenor Mine Fauna Spotter Catcher Services
  • Grosvenor Mine Fauna Spotter Catcher Services
  • Grosvenor Mine Fauna Spotter Catcher Services

Kleinfelder provided pre-clearance habitat assessments and fauna spotter catcher services for the construction phase development of Grosvenor Mine in Central Queensland. In Queensland it is illegal under the Nature Conservation Act 1992 to tamper with an animal breeding place without undertaking necessary habitat assessments and mitigation measures.

Careful Assessment of the Existing Flora

Habitat clearance for development projects, such the coal mine, can negatively impact existing wildlife. The 255ha site required careful assessment of the existing flora, which consisted partially of habitat trees occupied by a wide-range of endangered and threatened species. Incorrectly assessing these habitats could mean the destruction or displacement of existing fauna during the clearing process.

Staff With Combined FSC and Ecology Expertise

Kleinfelder mobilsed its team of Fauna Spotter Catcher’s (FSC’s) who identified habitat features that are likely to contain wildlife. These features included hollow bearing trees, trees with avian nests, logs on the ground, dirt mounds, and gilgai. Kleinfelder recommended habitat trees be soft felled to minimise any impacts to wildlife during the felling process. Kleinfelder’s FSC’s, who were also trained ecologists, were able to identify and predict fauna habitat locations in an efficient fashion, ensuring a streamlined project, while protecting existing fauna.

Project Results

Approximately 3000 habitat trees were removed across 255ha of land during project. Through coordination with the Queensland Government, Kleinfelder helped the client remain compliant during clearing operation while ensuring the safe relocation of 283 animals. With Kleinfelder’s solutions, the clearing work was delivered on-time and without incident. A post-clearance completion report provided recommendations for any future habitat disturbance to be undertaken at the mine.

Project Details

Grosvenor Mine, Queensland

Anglo American
