Bright People. Right Solutions.

Koala Management for the Eton Range Re-alignment Project

  • Koala Management for the Eton Range Re-alignment Project
  • Koala Management for the Eton Range Re-alignment Project
  • Koala Management for the Eton Range Re-alignment Project

Kleinfelder ensured minimal disruption and risk to wildlife, including koalas, during the Eton Range Re-alignment Project. The project upgrades the Peak Downs Highway, which runs through important koala habitat in the Clarke-Connors Range.

Koala Presence at Project SiteCareful Assessment of the Existing Flora

Koalas are listed as a “vulnerable species” in Queensland and strict regulations govern interactions with them on development sites. Despite extensive planning and mitigation measures before the re-alignment project began, several koalas were later found to be occupying trees identified to be felled for the next phase of the upgrade. Koalas were also discovered within the project site at locations where they were deemed to be at risk from vehicles and mobile plant.

Multi-Tiered Koala-Protection Approach

Kleinfelder’s ecologists advised the client of options for avoiding harm to koalas while allowing critical tree-felling and blasting work to proceed. Field and office-based staff worked with the client, state government officials, and wildlife carers to agree on a solution that protected the animals whilst ensuring legal compliance and preventing any further delays to project works. This involved acquiring approvals to relocate koalas, designing a procedure for their safe capture, and installing barrier fencing and zero-harm traps for the animals. Simultaneously, individual koalas were monitored to prevent them straying into active work zones, and trees throughout the project site were surveyed to ensure no other koalas were present.

Project Results

Kleinfelder’s Fauna Spotter Catchers (FSC) successfully captured and relocated three koalas deemed as being at risk within the project site. The animals were taken to a safe koala habitat away from the project site, beyond existing fauna exclusion fencing, whilst others were monitored until they moved off site and away from risk. No koalas were harmed during the operation, which was completed without delay.

Project Details

Eton Range, Queensland

Department of Transport and Main Roads
