Kleinfelder was engaged to undertake works aimed at addressing major weeds threatening native plant species, communities, and ecosystems of national significance. These works intended to restore and maintain biodiversity in the urban waterway and coastal environments, while protecting and improving an area that is Koala habitat.
Minimising Potential Non-Weed Damage
The area has high ecological significance, which means the works have to be undertaken with sensitivity to minimise potential non-weed damage. Large areas of the site adjacent to the river are also highly sensitive low-lying wetlands.
Leveraging Direct Techniques of Spraying
Kleinfelder’s approach was to not use high-volume weed spraying with QuikSpray reels. Kleinfelder used more direct techniques of spraying, such as splatter gun and careful spot spraying using backpacks, and no spraying was done near water. Kleinfelder also undertook cut and painting of the Lantana to minimise off-target spraying.
Project Results
Kleinfelder’s weed control services, which deliver a very high kill rate on targeted weeds, enable our client to restore vegetation and protect biodiversity—a key requirement for the natural habitat area and surrounding vegetation community. Furthermore, by leveraging Kleinfelder’s resources on an ongoing basis, our client can more efficiently and accurately achieve and maintain biodiversity, while avoiding costly issues in the future.
Project Details
Hawks Nest, New South Wales
Great Lakes Council