Bright People. Right Solutions.

Water Sensitive Urban Design

  • Water Sensitive Urban Design
  • Water Sensitive Urban Design
  • Water Sensitive Urban Design

For several years, Kleinfelder has undertaken infiltration capacity assessments and rectification of various types of Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) assets on behalf of Mackay Regional Council. The Council has an extensive WSUD portfolio, which has continued to grow as a result of years of increased urban development and expansion.

Identifying Rectification Needs

Initially, Kleinfelder and MacKay Regional Council selected a representative list of bio-retention basins to be assessed for desired vegetation composition, functionality (nutrient uptake and hydrological conductivity), and structural issues. From this assessment it was determined that an extensive number of WSUD assets required rectification.

Regular Monitoring and Testing Reports

Kleinfelder conducted weed eradication programmes and re-planting of desired vegetation per the WSUD technical design guidelines of the Mackay Horticultural Group in numerous bio-retention basins and constructed wetlands throughout the region. Long term maintenance works including weed control and plant establishment of the re-vegetation plantings remains ongoing until considered self-sufficient and sustainable. Kleinfelder has a strong understanding of the specifications for condition and functionality that WSUD assets must meet under local and state guidelines for water quality. To ensure all assets under management remain compliant, Kleinfelder regularly reports monitoring and testing results of all basins to MacKay Regional Council as well as provides necessary technical advice.

Project Results

Due to Kleinfelder’s initiation of thorough rectification work that ensures correct plant installation, ongoing management costs incurred by Mackay Regional Council have significantly reduced.  Desirable vegetation is steadily gaining dominance and naturally regenerating, and the filtering function and structural integrity of these systems will be enhanced by the new sustainable plant cover.

Project Details

Mackay, Queensland

Mackay Regional Council
