Bright People. Right Solutions.

Endangered Species Protection

  • Endangered Species Protection
  • Endangered Species Protection
  • Endangered Species Protection

Kleinfelder has provided ongoing ecological services to facilitate the development of the Newcastle Gas Storage Facility, a $300-million infrastructure project involving construction of 5.5km of pipeline, a 30,000-gallon storage tank, a processing plant, and associated infrastructure. Baseline flora and fauna surveys were conducted to identify ecological constraints to the development.

Endangered Species Found in Study Area

The study area for the Newcastle Gas Storage Facility was found to support three nationally listed threatened species—Koala, New Holland Mouse, and Earp’s Gum—in addition to two New South Wales-listed threatened ecological communities.

Protocols to Protect Animal and Plant Life

During construction, ecological monitoring (fauna trapping and spotlighting), fauna relocation, and habitat restoration were undertaken throughout the vegetation clearing phase. One hundred artificial nest boxes were installed, and a fauna crossing with glider poles was established to link remnant vegetation patches. Ongoing work associated with this project includes re-vegetation and weed control at the construction site and in the conservation area, monitoring of nest box use, wetlands rehabilitation and sediment mitigation measures.

Project Results

The project achieved development approval through: modification to the layout to avoid impacts to the New Holland Mouse and Earp’s Gum; the development of a package of offsets, including conservation of lands with equivalent ecological value; and the development and implementation of strategies for mitigating impacts during construction and operations.

Project Details

New South Wales

