Bright People. Right Solutions.

Hunter Valley Open Cut Mine

  • Hunter Valley Open Cut Mine
  • Hunter Valley Open Cut Mine
  • Hunter Valley Open Cut Mine

Kleinfelder was engaged by our client to undertake weed control on land surrounding the Hunter Valley Open Cut Mine. The project involved the target treatment of noxious and environmental weeds found across the site, performing services as part of the client’s consent.

Accounting for Local Weather Conditions

Weed treatment had to take into account local weather conditions to ensure that no off-target spraying would occur. The weed treatment also occurred near and around native vegetation, water courses, and possible threatened species.

Minimising Non-target Spraying

Various weed control methods were implemented to minimise non-target spraying and avoid likely schedule delays. To avoid off-target spraying, weed spraying was suspended during times of high wind, rain, and extreme heat. Furthermore, all works were undertaken following strict adherence to the mines Work Health & Safety requirements.

Project Results

Kleinfelder helped our client meet requirements to have offset vegetation and maintain the ecosystem. Our highly targeted spraying techniques helped avoid killing native plants and protect biodiversity, further solidifying our client’s good standing with regulatory officials and the community.

Project Details

Mangoola, New South Wales

