Kleinfelder was commissioned by our client to conduct a Squirrel Glider Management Plan to assess any impacts on populations as a result of site development. Initially, our ecologists conducted ecological monitoring to establish the presence of Squirrel Gliders, the home range of the colonies, and ascertain the location of colony den trees.
Determining the Project Impact
Because the project site included large offset areas with steep terrain and dense bushland and Squirrel Gliders are nocturnal creatures, a diverse range of tracking and monitoring devices were required. Kleinfelder staff also had to work predominately at night, which presented safety challenges.
Overcoming Geographical and Time Issues
Initially, remote cameras and arboreal traps were used to identify the presence of Squirrel Glider in the project area. Once presence was established, Gliders were trapped and key information for each animal was recorded, with radio tracking collars fitted to appropriate animals. Tracking was conducted for 40 consecutive nights to identify a home range, den tree usage, and dispersal patterns. Additional mandatory safety procedures were developed for the project to ensure employee safety whilst working on the site during the night.
Project Results
Kleinfelder successfully completed the survey and demonstrated the client’s compliance with consent conditions. The report can also be used to help inform the client’s future management actions for Squirrel Gliders and provides valuable scientific knowledge in the form of verifiable photography and tracking data.
Project Details
Greater Hunter, New South Wales
Confidential Client